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Poo bag plague sparks fury

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By Fiona Reid
Poo bag plague sparks fury

ANGER is growing in Moffat over a plethora of dog poo bags being left on paths within the town.

Residents and community councillors have taken to social media to encourage dog walkers to dispose of used poo bags in bins rather than hanging them on shrubs or leaving them on the ground.

The Gallow Hill path and Tank Wood are the two main hotspots for dog fouling and community councillors have been posting photos to social media to highlight the extent of the problem.

Community councillor Mick Barker said: “It’s wrong on every level.

“All of us on the community council are mutually horrified by the lack of respect people are showing for the environment. It’s so illogical to bag dog poo and hang it up and leave it behind in this rural environment, it’s both unhygienic and harmful because of the plastics which are not biodegradable.”

The growing concern around poo bags reached fever pitch after a photo emerged online of a lamb in a field along the Old Edinburgh Road eating a bag.

Mick added: “Moffat is a walking town, thanks to the founding of the Moffat Walking Weekend in September and the number of walks in the area. Poo bags left along these walks give visitors a bad impression of the town.

“Quite a few of the footpaths around the town go through fields where sheep and lambs graze. One bag is one too many, there is no acceptable level of people hanging bags on trees, leaving them in fields or putting them under hedges.”

Fellow community councillor Leys Geddes added: “We need to stop people doing this. It’s a disgusting, lazy habit, which looks repulsive and must give residents and visitors a very bad impression of Moffat. If you see someone doing it, you should tell them off.”


08th Mar

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By Fiona Reid | DNG24