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Pothole fury

By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Pothole fury

POTHOLES are the number one concern for many people living in Annandale and Eskdale.

A DNG Media led debate on Facebook this week sparked a frenzy of comments about the state of the region’s roads with motorists venting their frustrations about damage to cars and shoddy roads.
And one route in particular came in for much criticism – the B722 between Annan and Langholm.
Peggy Race, of Waterbeck, has had firsthand experience of the road issues. She said: “We’ve had two flats and one broken wheel so far this year. We’ve had winters where we’ve had six flats and two broken wheels.”
And she joked: “The best way to get the roads fixed is to have a visit from the royal family or political equivalent. If they are going to be driving on it, there will be no potholes.”
Toby McCartney, of Eaglesfield, said: “The asphalt the council use needs maintenance every year and still we get potholes.”
Mel Stibbs, of Waterbeck, is worried about the issue and said: “Clearly the council are making cuts of quality of tarmac. Potholes all over the place are dangerous.
“It’s not just the Eaglesfield to Waterbeck road, it’s everywhere. Someone is going to get seriously hurt.”
Isabella Irving lives near Eaglesfield and said: “It’s got to the point that having a nice car just ain’t worth it anymore. My car is two years old and it’s a mess due to the amount of potholes down my road, also due to folk having to cut up the roadside as the roads round here are not wide enough.”
Meanwhile, Audrey McMinn recently moved from Annandale to Aberdeenshire. She said: “I have yet to come across a pothole up here, so don’t know why you have so many down there.”
Responding to public concerns, chair of DG First Committee Councillor Archie Dryburgh said: “The amount of road defects that have occurred with the adverse weather and rainfall over the past month have put pressure on the roads teams across the region. We need to ensure, to the best of our ability, a repair is carried out whilst also giving us time to do the longer term repairs that are needed.”
He added: “The roads engineers will assess each road defect on a case by case basis and suggest repairs that reduce the chance of serious injury to the public.”

Front, Moffat, News

27th Feb

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