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Public wishlist for parks revealed

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Public wishlist for parks revealed

AN outdoor gym, pump track, sand/water play feature, event space and multi use games areas.

These are the main features that Lockerbie citizens overwhelmingly want to see in their parks.

The results came out of the latest public engagement held as part of the project to upgrade McJerrow and King Edward parks.

Dumfries and Galloway Council have been entrusted with £500,000 from the Lockerbie Trust to deliver revamps at both sites.

And, based on the feedback, officials have drawn up their recommendations of how best to spend that.

They suggest allocating £165,000 towards a medium grade pump track development in King Edward’s Park and £20,000 on refreshing the MUGA that is already there.

In McJerrow, they want to allocate £100,000 towards an event space, £95,000 on a sand/water feature, £50,000 for an outdoor gym.

In addition, £10,000 has been earmarked for park security and accessibility. The remaining £60,000 will go towards toilets, but match funding will be required to complete it.

However, initial proposals for a disaster memorial cairn to be included have been dropped following opposition from many residents.

Now, a report containing all the public feedback and comments, as well as the officer recommendations, will go before a meeting of the Lockerbie and Lochmaben Common Good Committee on February 6.

Councillors are being urged to back it and then work can start this year.

Writing in that, ward officer Steven Wylie said: “Should members agree to this proposal, a fixed price procurement process for elements one to four will start immediately.

“Elements five to six (security and event space) require further investigation and design work and this would also be undertaken in the short term, following which a fixed price procurement exercise will be undertaken.

“Our council will request expressions of interest in relation to the £60k remaining for the development of a Changing Places facility and general use toilet in McJerrow Park from community organisations interested in securing further external funding to deliver this element of the project.”

The latest round of public consultation ran from December 4 2023 to January 5 2024, during which questionnaires were made widely available throughout the town.

An engagement event at Lockerbie Town Hall on December 4 was attended by 28 citizens.