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Ranger role for Ishbel

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By Christie Breen
Ranger role for Ishbel

THE National Trust for Scotland has welcomed a new ranger to the Grey Mare’s Tail.

Ishbel Hayes joined the conservation charity at the nature reserve in May after recently completing a Phd studying the impact of light pollution on moth populations.

She brings her expertise in ecology to assist the trust’s work to care for, protect and share the biodiversity of the landscape at Grey Mare’s Tail for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone.

Ishbel said: “Growing up in a rural area of Scotland and spending holidays in remote parts of the UK, I have always loved nature, so I feel incredibly privileged to be joining the National Trust for Scotland to help them with their important work to care for and protect our country’s natural heritage.

“I’m keen to get stuck in and lend my support and expertise to the cause. I’m excited to spend the season as a ranger at Grey Mare’s Tail where my role will include welcoming visitors to the nature reserve and also contribute to the monitoring and conservation of the flora and fauna within this stunning landscape.

“A personal goal during my time as seasonal ranger at Grey Mare’s Tail is to carry out moth monitoring on the reserve. This will provide additional data and knowledge on the insect species present within the landscape which can be a good indicator of environmental change and the impact of habitat management as insects respond more rapidly than other groups.”

Moffat, News

27th Feb

Pump track discussions ongoing

By Fiona Reid | DNG24