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Rat holes ‘fixed’ at derelict hotel

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By Newsdesk
Rat holes ‘fixed’ at derelict hotel

REPAIRS have been carried out at Moffat’s dilapidated Mercury Hotel after rats were spotted earlier this year.

Mercury campaigner Mick Barker gave an update on the situation during Moffat and District Community Council meeting on Tuesday night.

He said: “This sounds like good news but it isn’t, the repair work carried out was to fill in rat holes and rat poison has been put around the area. It’s not good news because it’s just treating the symptoms and not addressing the problem.

“I am also waiting to hear back from the council regarding a freedom of information request. This is to try and find out if they’ve done anything of consequence or not, there are currently two days left for the council to respond.”


24th Feb

Entries sought for Nature Awards

By Kaitlin Campbell | DNG24