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Ready, set, go – AROM raft race is back!

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By Zachary Hannay
Annan and Eskdale
Ready, set, go - AROM raft race is back!

A POPULAR fixture in the Annan Riding of the Marches fortnight is set to return this year.

The raft race was last held in 2019 prior to the pandemic.

Crews, often in colourful costumes, with specially made rafts, are cheered on by hundreds of spectators as they try to reach the finish line first.

But following the collapse of the two River Annan footbridges in 2021, debris left in the water meant the race could not be held.

However, the river is the process of being checked over and it is hoped that the all clear will be given by the summer.

David Bell is the convenor of the raft race committee, he said: “We are delighted to be bringing this event back within the ROM fortnight, as well as a family fun day for the town, locals and visitors.

“The committee are currently seeking sponsorship to allow us to bring the raft race back to its full potential.

“We are also hoping to have live entertainment, the fun fair, various stalls, soak the principals and much more!”

This year’s race will be held on Sunday June 30. Entry forms, stipulating all rules and requirements, will be available in due course.

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Colourful scenes at the carnival

COLOURFUL creations brought life and light to the centre of Dumfries on Saturday night as the town hosted the Big Burns Supper Carnival. Here's a few photos from the event, see this week's papers for many more.