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Red meat ruckus

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By Fiona Reid
Red meat ruckus

PARENTS, carers and pupils are furious at changes to school meals which mean less red meat, ham, cheese and sausage on the menu.

The new style lunches were launched locally on April 8 and are a result of Scottish Government legislation.

Schools are now required to provide more access to fruit and vegetables; lower the sugar in meals; and provide no more than 175g of red and red processed meat over the course of the primary week and 230g at secondary.

But the changes have not gone down well locally, with hundreds of people leaving criticisms and comments on our Facebook page.

Jenn Bailey from Annan thinks it’s ‘terrible’ and said: “My kids eat a well balanced diet, but still like eating sausages and bacon every so often. I am sick to the back teeth of this nanny state dictating what we can and can’t eat.”

Heather Knaggs, from Dumfries, said: “Cutting out cheap processed meat is a good thing if it’s replaced by high quality proper cuts of meat, which it won’t be because of cost. So, we end up with kids on an even more carb biased diet. And don’t even get me started on the cynical promotion of veganism in schools at the moment.”

And Tara Rooney-Bell, from Castle Douglas, added: “Why on earth haven’t parents and children been consulted on this?”

A Dumfries and Galloway Council spokesman said: “The school meals service has developed our menus and trialled new food products with pupils in relation to these changes.

“Working with our local and national suppliers we continue to develop menus and food choices that offer a comprehensive diverse range of options. The Globetrotter menu offers a variety of daily options including, where permitted, red meat, poultry and vegetarian options.”


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