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Region prepares refugee response

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By DnG24 Newsdesk
Region prepares refugee response

DUMFRIES and Galloway Council along with other bodies are preparing plans for refugees to be welcomed to the region.

READY FOR ACTION … council leader Ronnie Nicholson with Moxie DePaulitte and Tabitha Mudaliar of Dumfries and Galloway Refugee Action and Dumfries and Galloway councillors at Marchmount Depot, Dumfries


The Government has already said that 20,000 Syrian refugees will be brought to the UK during the current Parliament.
And it will be the local authority which will take the lead  in the settlement of refugees, while NHS Dumfries and Galloway and Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) are also ready to play their part.
Council representatives have already attended a COSLA meeting and a spokesman said yesterday: “We are awaiting information and details at the moment from the Scottish Government  after the first refugee task force meeting.”
“The council is already supporting groups in the region, such as Dumfries and Galloway Refugee Action, and the collection and storing of donations.”
Europe Minister Humza Yousaf said the majority of Scotland’s 32 councils have already indicated a willingness to accommodate refugees affected by the current humanitarian crisis.
He added: “The time to take action is now, the UK has a moral obligation to help some of the most vulnerable people that are coming to Europe seeking protection. We cannot turn our back on innocent men, women and children in their moment of need.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for NHS Dumfries and Galloway said:  “The council has the lead for the Dumfries and Galloway approach with regard to our response to the current refugee position.
“NHS Dumfries and Galloway will be involved in discussions with council locally as the picture becomes clearer.”
The spokesman added: “We will contribute to any national discussions, but we anticipate that these will be led by the Scottish Government.  NHS Dumfries and Galloway has a volunteering process in place for staff who wish to volunteer.”
A DGHP spokesperson added: “DGHP has not yet been involved in any national talks, but clearly we have a role to play and would support the local authority and the other Homes4D&G partners in any response going forward.”


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