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Region proves a TikTok hit

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By Fiona Reid
Region proves a TikTok hit

DUMFRIES and Galloway has a starring role in a viral tourism campaign showcasing the region’s natural landscapes.

The social media campaign is a collaboration between VisitScotland and influencer Chris Lawlor, pictured right.

In the last month the video was published by Chris on TikTok and Instagram, where he has a combined following of around 291,000. It features the outdoor enthusiast visiting Bruce’s Stone in Galloway Forest Park, Grey Mare’s Tail in Moffat and Logan Botanic Garden near Stranraer.

Since it was uploaded, the video has been played more than 472,000 times, attracted 15,900 likes and reached almost 380,000 accounts.

Commenting on the success of the collaboration, VisitScotland’s global influence manager Amanda Thomas said: “This was the first time we have worked with Chris and the success of the collaboration has helped showcase the South of Scotland to a wider audience.

“Social media plays a significant role in inspiring new and return visitors to Scotland, especially at those early stages when people are planning a trip.

“These videos capture some of the amazing natural beauty on offer in the region which will help put Dumfries and Galloway front of mind when planning a trip to Scotland.”

Chris Lawlor added: “I am in nature almost every weekend visiting trails and doing hill walks in Scotland, recording as I go and sharing this on my social media channels to provide others with adventure ideas. I also like to highlight on social media the benefits that walks in nature has on your mental health and is something I’m passionate about.

“I will occasionally visit locations which are lesser-known and it is always fulfilling to help put those places on the map. The contrast of being in the city to being surrounded by trees and wildlife does wonders for resetting my mind and recharging for the next week ahead.”


12th Mar

Thistle nominations call

By Fiona Reid | DNG24