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Reserve inspires composer’s latest work

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By Euan Maxwell
Dumfries and West
Reserve inspires composer’s latest work

A DUMFRIES-born composer has released a new music video shot at WWT Caerlaverock featuring an original song inspired by the nature reserve.

Earlier this year Lucie Treacher’s ‘Without’ was announced as one of 12 winners of the ‘In Tune With Nature’ competition. Run by NatureScot and Fèis Rois, it encouraged entrants to connect with nature by writing music inspired by the coasts and waters of Scotland’s beautiful nature reserves, as part of the celebrations for the Year of Coasts and Waters 2020.

Lucie and fellow winners received a £500 cash prize along with the opportunity to shoot an accompanying music video for the composition with filmmaker Graeme Roger at the location which inspired the piece.

Discussing what drew her to the mudflats near Dumfries, Lucie said: “There is something about the moody light at Caerlaverock, a light that’s constantly shifting, which I’ve tried to capture in ‘Without’, a song which is at times a monologue and at times a dialogue.

“I’m captivated by the mudflats and that sense of space – the meeting of the sky and the sea which stretches across your whole field of vision. The playful voices in the song try to imitate the feeling of the grass swishing around your legs as you walk through the reserve.”

Ben Ross, head of nature reserves at Scottish Natural Heritage, added: “It’s wonderful to see the creativity and love of nature shown in these pieces and videos. Under the lockdown, composers had to experience the nature of our amazing national nature reserves virtually or think back to past visits.

“So it’s particularly fitting that they’ve been able to visit and have their music set to images of our lovely nature reserves. These sites have such an amazing variety of wildlife, as well as stunning beaches, mountains, lochs and rivers for people to enjoy. It’s hard not to be inspired by such beauty.”

Lucie’s music video alongwith the 11 other winners’, which feature scenes from – and music inspired by – the Isle of May, Loch Leven, Taynish and nature reserves all across Scotland, can be viewed on NatureScot’s website.

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