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Residents: Stay clear of our car park

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By Fiona Reid

STOP parking in our private car park — say fed up residents in one Lockerbie street.

The constant stream of cars and vans parking at the pri- vate residents’ car park at Cameron Close has exasperated residents, who now say they are afraid to park their own cars there.

Putting on a united front, a collection of residents from the address attended Lock- erbie Community Council on Tuesday night to air their concerns.

One said: “From 7 am to 2 pm it is constant. People coming and going, nipping

to the bakers, just 15 minutes here and there, stopping to eat their lunch.

“They could park at Tescos or Home Bargains, but they’re too lazy to walk to the high street.

“The short stints are the worst. People are constantly coming and going out the car park. Our cars have been bumped and we’re afraid to park there.”

Meanwhile, they also ex- pressed their concerns about people parking on the double yellow lines edges around the entrance to the street.

Discussing the issue, com- munity council chairwoman Jan Andrews said: “It all comes back to the same issue — parking.

“Our high street offers limited parking and people are too lazy to walk.

“We’ve been asking for years for parking to be looked at.”

And police, who were present at the meeting, advised that of cers cannot im- pose parking restrictions in a private car park but vowed to keep an eye on those parking on double yellows.

The policewoman also suggested that the residents take ownership of their car park by numbering the spaces to better enforce that the car park is private.

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