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Rory, 11, praised for lifesaving action

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By Fiona Reid
Rory, 11, praised for lifesaving action

AN 11-YEAR-old scout has been hailed a 'life saver' after his quick thinking helped a woman in distress.

The Lockerbie woman, who does not want to be named, suffers from severe asthma and is allergic to cigarette smoke.
But while walking at the town’s Eskrigg Nature Reserve last week she came into contact with toxic fumes when a smoker lit up next to her.
Immediately she was hit with a wave of extreme dizziness, numbness, breathing issues and was close to passing out when 11-year-old Rory Hunter stepped in.
He had also been at the reserve and saw her take ill and knew exactly how to help thanks to training received at the scouts, quickly finding the woman’s inhalers and adrenaline
She believes that without his fast thinking she would have lost consciousness and things would have gone from bad to worse.
But thanks to the schoolboy her reaction was limited to dizziness, tingling fingers, severe breathing problems and lightheadedness.
She said: “Rory appeared, not sure where from. He saved my life, no doubt.
“What an amazing, quick thinking, calm, capable young lad.
“Everything I learnt from him, everything he did convinces me he is incredible, so skilled and will go so far.
“I’m not sure how to say thank you. I have no doubt he saved my life.
“It gives me such faith, hope and reassurance for our future, for our world that there are amazing young people like Rory around.”
The youngster is a member of the Lockerbie Scout Group 9th Dumfriesshire and his leader Robert Humes has praised his actions.
He said: “I am very proud that one of my scouts has used his quick thinking and scouting knowledge to act fast to help a member of the public in need.
“He used his first aid knowledge taught in scouts and he has stuck by his law and promise to ‘help other people’ and ‘have courage in all difficulties’.
“This just goes to show how important having first aid knowledge is and what young people can get from scouting. Rory will be rewarded for his bravery.”
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