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Sanquhar land sale

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By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter
Sanquhar land sale
SANQUHAR and District Silver Band is a step closer to buying an important piece of land from Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Members of the brass band have been in talks with the local authority about acquiring the council-owned parcel of land on Station Road. Their hall was built on the site 27 years ago and now the council has declared the 3690 square metre plot surplus to requirements.
The matter was discussed at the council’s Sanquhar Common Good Fund sub-committee recently where members were asked to approve a community consultation process on the disposal of the land.
Once this process is complete, and there are no issues, it will most likely pave the way for Sanquhar and District Silver Band to purchase the land from the council.
A report tabled at the Sanquhar Common Good Fund sub-committee meeting stated: “The Sanquhar Silver Band wish to acquire the land, through negotiated off market sale, in order to own it and enable them to secure external funding to facilitate improvements and developments to the Hall.”
It continued: “The land has been valued at £3000 by the council’s assets and estates management officer, who is a Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) registered valuer.”
Community councillor Ronnie Johnstone said: “This was discussed at Sanquhar Community Council last Thursday night, and we have no objections at all to this being carried out – as long as the money goes to Sanquhar Common Good.”
Council officer Colin Freeman said: “I can confirm that any capital receipt gained from the sale of the land will go to the Sanquhar Common Good Fund.”
Members of Sanquhar Common Good Fund sub-committee approved the consultation process, which will involved inviting representations from community councils and community bodies before any sale can be completed.

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