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Santa: the big interview!

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By Joseph Gartly
Annan and Eskdale
Santa: the big interview!

IT'S the busiest time of year at the North Pole for Santa Claus and his elves as they make and prepare toys for boys and girls around the world. But Father Christmas took time out for a quick chat with DNG reporter Joseph Gartly about all things festive.

* How do you prepare in the month leading up to Christmas?

Santa: “Christmas is an extremely busy time, there is a vast concentration of letters, which all the children are encouraged to send.
“Logistics become a massive task though, with the elves and Mrs Claus reading all the letters, making all the toys, and now with all the new technology that job is becoming harder and harder.
“Luckily for me I have a team of advisors who tell me how to make those tricky electronics.”

* What is your favourite part of Christmas?
“The build up, invites to parties, photos and plays and personal appearances are definitely a highlight.
“It is all very time consuming, but I love it.
“I think what also has to be said is I love meeting all the children from across the world, it is very satisfying providing a product so that the child is not left disappointed.”

* How do you manage to visit every house in just one night?
“That is a very good question!
“People do not realise that when I am flying there is an air stream where time stands still. This allows me to deliver presents throughout the world.
“This stream is miles up into the sky, and allows all the kids in the world to wake up to a gift.”

* What is the best gift you have ever received?
“Mrs Claus really does take care of me. My favourite gift was a brand new, hand-made, thermal Christmas suit. It keeps me warm whilst I am making my deliveries and was a very thoughtful gift indeed.”

* How does Santa unwind on Christmas day?
“With all the elves: We have a big meal with everyone, and then I like to unwind with a walk out in the snow.”

* Is it difficult working out who has been naughty and nice?
“Well I have a team of elves to look over all the kids and they compile a list of the good and naughty children.
“The naughty children will get presents still, but they will also be told to be good, stick in at school and to help their parents whenever they can.”

* What do you do for the rest of the year?
“Back home I like to breed animals, like reindeer, then I pick my best reindeer for the flight.
“I also love nature, so I get a lot of fishing and walking done when I can.
“My final hobby is that I grow trees, which I then give to the garden centres for them to sell in time for Christmas.”

* How have the children of Dumfries and Galloway behaved this year?
“Extremely well: this has been proven in their exam results and how many have gone onto further education such as university.
“The children of the region are a shining example to all the others through the world.”


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