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Save our service

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Save our service

A DESPERATE call has been made to the community to help raise £34,000 in order to save a long standing transport service.

Annandale Community Transport Services (ACTS) needs to raise the large sum in the next few months or risk collapsing.

The service helps ferry nearly 9000 people a year, from pupils on school trips to club excursions and even provides life saving hospital trips for cancer patients attending out of region chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions.

Now in its 20th year, the transport group should be thriving but instead it is struggling to survive, due to extreme cuts to funding support from Dumfries and Galloway Council.

ACTS used to receive as much as £50,000 a year from the council’s area committee, with the figure dropping to £20,000, then £15,000 and now it’s at zero.

Spokesman Geoff Kitt this week said: “Our funding from the council is now non existent.

“We feel that we need to make people aware of our situation – we have a shortfall of £34,000 and if we don’t raise the money, and soon, then Annandale Community Transport Services cannot continue.

He added: “We are urging local businesses, residents, anyone who can help to please come forward.

“If a few big businesses can get onboard – maybe donate £1000 each, well that would be an enormous help.”

Currently ACTS boasts 40 volunteers who donated 4100 hours of free time last year.

Meanwhile, the service also employs four members of staff, who would face redundancy if it is wound up.

The Annandale Herald, Moffat News and Annandale Observer recognise what a vital service ACTS provide in Annandale and for many of our readers, young and old.

To show our support we have helped the organisation create an online fundraiser to help reach their £34,000 target.

To donate visit:

or visit: and search for Annandale Community Transport Services

Full story in this week’s Annandale Herald, Moffat News and Annandale Observer.


28th Feb

90 dairy jobs proposed

By Fiona Reid | DNG24