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School floodlights row

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By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter
Dumfries and West
School floodlights row

AN army of neighbours are battling plans for floodlighting to be installed next to their homes in Gatehouse of Fleet.

Thirteen households who live in a row of houses at Baker’s Dozen next to Gatehouse Primary are furious at Dumfries and Galloway Council’s proposals to erect four eight metre floodlights at the school’s MUGA (multi-use games area).

They are arguing that the artificial lighting will have a negative impact on their properties and the Dark Sky Park.

They are also complaining that these towering poles are not in keeping with the surroundings, and are asking why no assessments have been done on the impact on wildlife.

Despite the opposition and issues raised, planning case officer Toril Glendinning is recommending to councillors that the floodlights are approved.

His report states: “A residential street (Baker’s Dozen) is located north of the site and a dwelling named Schoolhouse to the east.

“The rear gardens of these properties are located some 25m away from the MUGA at the closest point and green areas of area of hedging, trees and shrubbery separates the site from the residential gardens.

“The nearest residential dwelling is located some 35m from the closest MUGA and closest floodlight.”

The planning application was submitted by the council on May 8 this year and a flurry of objection letters were submitted to the local authority’s planning department around a month later.

A letter from a Baker’s Dozen residents reads: “I understand that the proposed lights will be designed to minimise light spillage outside of the MUGA site but I find it very hard to believe there will be no impact at all.

“Even if there is no outward glow, these will be extremely bright lights that will be visible from, and very close to, my garden.

“Quite apart from possible glare into my bedroom, I have a quite an extensive wildlife area at the back of my house and I don’t want this adversely affected.

“I would prefer that the application be rejected outright but at the very least, if approved, it should be with strict conditions that the lights are only used when the MUGA is actually in use, and not switched on as soon as it is dark and then left on till 10 or 11 o’clock at night.”

Another Baker’s Dozen householder wrote: “The use of the MUGA with lights would affect all the neighbours of Baker’s Dozen, Cherry Bakewell and The School House.

“The character of the neighbourhood is elderly retired. Consideration should be given to the close proximity of this to residents and stop the planning for lighting.

“We are a biodiversity community and should consider this as not in keeping for our conservation and Dark Sky Reserve.”

Councillors will make a decision on whether or not the floodlights should be installed when they meet at Wednesday’s planning committee.


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