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School in Mall flag honour

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By Christie Breen
School in Mall flag honour

DALBEATTIE Primary are flying the flag for Dumfries and Galloway this Jubilee.

Artwork by the school’s Primary 4/5 class has been selected as one of 200 schools from across the Commonwealth to be featured on silk flags as part of the Jubilee pageant to highlight the Queen’s concern and care for the natural environment and the future of our planet.

Depute headteacher Alex Howie said: “Dalbeattie Primary is so proud to play its part in this important historical occasion to celebrate the longest serving reign of a British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. As an eco school, we were also delighted to make the climate and the environment a focus of this project.”

The class chose a salmon after exploring the history and biodiversity of the River Urr.

And the pupils created their artwork by saving up their food packaging and discarded wrapping paper to recycle the materials into fish scales for their fishy collages.

The children also added their own letters to The Queen about climate change and messages of hope for the future of the planet, were re-imaged and overlaid on the children’s profiles in the style of postage stamps. These were submitted to form the other side of the same silk flag.

Headteacher Elizabeth Duncan added: “I am very proud of the children and staff for all the thought and hard work that went into this project. It is an honour for our school to be part of this historic event.”

The silk flags, which will be on show during the pageant for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee along The Mall on route to Buckingham Palace on Sunday.

Dumfries and West, Front, News

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