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Seafoods firms delivers 24 jobs to town

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By Rod Edgar
Annan and Eskdale
Seafoods firms delivers 24 jobs to town

TWENTY-FOUR ongoing jobs are being created in Annan — fuelled by a seafoods firm’s increased production.

Young’s Seafood Limited have already recruited employees to fill six full-time and six part-time jobs and are still recruiting for around another six full-time and six part-time roles.
Hailing the move, Dumfriesshire MSP Elaine Murray said: “Over the last few years we’ve unfortunately been more used to job losses hitting the headlines in our region,
rather than job creation. The news of 24 new posts opening up is therefore great news.”
Dr Murray added: “The company is an asset to Annan and our local economy, and hopefully we’ll continue to see new posts being created in the future.”
Youngs have yet to state how jobs will be divided between sites Pinneys of Scotland in Stapleton Road and at Young’s Seafood in Port Street.
But they say recruitment is not related to a planned scaling down of production at their Fraserburgh plant.
That plant was originally announced as being earmarked for closure along with a Grantown-on-Spey factories.
And Pinney’s of Scotland in Annan’s Stapleton Road was identified as one of three alternative Young’s sites where work could be transferred.
But in September, following consultation, Young’s announced it had elected to retain both the Fraserburgh and Grantown-on-Spey sites, but would be scaling back production with the loss of 650 jobs.
And it stated that a transfer of production would be delivered to alternative sites in Scotland and England by May 2016.
Addressing the new 24 jobs in Annan, a spokeswoman on behalf of Young’s Seafood Limited said: “This is the result of an increase in production volume. This increase in production volume at Annan is not related to the changes taking place in Fraserburgh.”
The spokeswoman added: “The roles in Annan are available to those impacted by the changes taking place in Fraserburgh, should they wish to relocate.”

Wind farm funding available

Wind farm funding available

LOCKERBIE has been under represented over the past few years for available funding from windfarms.