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Shambellie vision to be discussed

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By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
Shambellie vision to be discussed

AN ARTISTIC role is being imagined for a large property near New Abbey, as a bid to find a sustainable future moves into its final stage.

On Tuesday, Shambellie House Trust will hold an AGM at the property, which was gifted to National Museums Scotland as a national museum of costume but which shut in 2013.
Trust chairman Gordon Mann said: “We now have a clear vision of the way that the house and its grounds could operate, providing visitors with a unique understanding of the things that make Dumfries and Galloway special.
“Visitors will be able to study wildlife, or learn photographic skills, or develop their artistic and craft skills under the watchful eye of one of the many experts in these fields who live and work here.”
However, Mr Mann added: “We now need to do more intensive market research, and to identify the full capital costs of the works to allow us to prepare a detailed business plan.
“To do all of this we are working up grant applications to a range of major funders.
“It is only when this work is completed that we will know if we have developed a sustainable future for the House.”
The AGM will be held at the start of an exhibition at Shambellie which runs from November 15 to 30 and takes the form of three exhibitions in one.
The Galloway Photographic Collective will highlight the very different approaches to images by the members of this group.
Praising ambitions for Shambellie, member Tom Langland said “We have been delighted to be involved in the wider work of the Trust as they develop their plans for the house.
“The new proposals seem to us to be an exciting way forward and we are all committed to help bring this about.”
Alongside the GPS exhibition will be the Scottish Members’ Print exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society and an exhibition by four local artists – Archie McCall, Val McAdam, Kerry Thomas and Andrew Adair.
All three exhibitions are open daily from 11 am until 4 pm.