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Shoplifters in high-value raids across region

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Shoplifters in high-value raids across region

A SERIES of high value thefts from shops in the region yesterday are being probed by police.

Raids included hauls of alcohol from Annan and Dumfries supermarkets, and £600 of cashmere jumpers in Gretna.
At about 1.40 pm on Thursday two men were seen to leave the Tesco store in Annan with a trolley full of alcohol which had not gone through the till.
It is believed that over £500 worth of spirits were in the trolley when it was taken.
The first man is described as in his late 40s, of medium build, with dark hair with grey starting to show, about 5’8″ tall and was wearing a navy polo shirt with stripes across the front and jeans.
The second man was in his late 20s to early 30s, of a slim build, quite tall, short dark hair, wearing Adidas three stripes tracksuit bottoms and hooded top.
In a second theft, this time at about 2.20 pm at the Tesco store in Lockerbie Road, Dumfries, a man was seen to place alcohol straight into a carrier bag.
After checking the stock it was discovered that ten bottles of expensive vodka had been stolen with a value of over £400.
The man thought responsible is described as being tall, wearing Adidas striped tracksuit bottoms and an Adidas hooded top.
This man is similar in in description to one of the men who had earlier been at the Tesco store in Annan.
A third high value theft took place at The Canny Scots Shop at the Gretna Service Area, Gretna, sometime between 10 am and 12.30 pm.
During this time 11 cashmere jumpers worth over £600 were stolen.
However, there are no description of any suspects in this case.
PC Carolyne Crozier from Police Scotland said: “There are clear similarities between the two Tesco thefts, right down to the description of one of the suspects.
“We are keeping an open mind as to whether or not the cashmere theft is linked.”
She added: “We ask that anyone who might have seen anything which might help us trace those responsible call us at Dumfries on 101.”


27th Feb

Firework control zones approved for region

By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter | DNG24