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Show moves with the times

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By Bob Geddes
Annan and Eskdale
Show moves with the times

THE chairman of Dumfries and Lockerbie Agricultural Show says it's vital to move with the times to maintain and boost attendances.

Keith Henderson, who is in his second year as chairman, is hoping that people from the towns will continue to turnout for the annual agricultural spectacle at Park Farm, Dumfries.

This year two of the entrances will accept cards which is something new for the show.
Mr Henderson said they were creating an area in the showground away from the main ring which would be accessible for people who might not want to watch the judging or some other events.
“We will have a dog scurry, music, a pipe band, a clown and there will be young farmers’ events on the showfield.
“It’s important to try and be creative and provide enertainment for everyone by setting up another area outwith the main ring.
“We have always had good support from the public and we are keen to attract people from the towns as well as those involved in the industry to emphasise that it is not just for the farming community.”
He added: “We have events for all ages. We are the biggest of the local shows and we have always had a great support and we hope that it will continue.”
Mr Henderson said that the main thing was the weather and they were hoping that it would not affect the show, adding: “We are probably lucky that we have roads throughout the showfield and the money that has been spent has been a great investment.”


27th Feb

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By Fiona Reid | DNG24