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Show your thanks to WWII pilots

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By Fiona Reid
Show your thanks to WWII pilots

THANK you notes are being sought to mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Britain.

The Royal Air Forces Association wants as many people as possible to write notes to pay tribute to ‘the many’, as well as to ‘the few’ – the RAF pilots who fought the Luftwaffe in Britain’s skies between July and October 1940.

They will all go into a time capsule.

The RAF Association’s president, Air Marshal Sir Baz North, said: “We hope that thousands of thank you notes written by members of the public will go into the Association’s time capsule, so that our gratitude is documented and itself becomes a piece of history.”

To submit a note for inclusion, go to


04th Feb

Photo news: XBorder run

By Fiona Reid | DNG24