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Sinking graves concern at Annan cemetery

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By Zachary Hannay
Annan and Eskdale
Sinking graves concern at Annan cemetery

DUMFRIES and Galloway Council say there are currently no outstanding reports of any sunken graves at Annan Cemetery — although relatives disagree.

It comes after one man, whose mother and stepfather are buried in Annan Cemetery, was left dismayed upon finding that their graves had sunk.

He said: “There’s a few of the graves like this. It’s an absolute disgrace.

“I have spoken to the council and they are not interested. I have been to speak to them three or four times and you might as well be talking to a wall.

“All you get is the same thing – we haven’t got the resources and we haven’t got the manpower. What about those doing community service?

“This problem has been going on for quite a while, because some of the graves are really bad.

“It’s not nice if you take your grandkids up there.

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, added: “You can never get an interview with the council to explain to them either.

“How would they like it if it was their relatives?”

In reply, a Dumfries and Galloway Council spokesman yesterday said: “We are not aware of any outstanding reports of sunken lairs within Annan Cemetery at the present time but we will attend to any reported concerns as soon as possible.

“We appreciate that this can be distressing for families and welcome reports at: CommunityAssets Annandale&[email protected] “Council staff rectify sunken lairs in cemeteries when these are reported to us or when staff come across them in the course of their duties.

“Periods of very wet and frost weather conditions can cause an increase in the volume of sunken lairs and it takes time to get round to reinstate them all. Our staff try to undertake this work during the winter months.

“When carrying out a grave repair staff remove the turf, add extra soil to the lair and compact this down and then reinstate the turf.”


26th Feb

Long waits revealed

By Fiona Reid | DNG24

Sharks break losing streak

Sharks break losing streak

THE Solway Sharks finally ended their eight game losing streak last Saturday with a victory against the Telford Tigers at Dumfries Ice Bowl.