DUMFRIES Slot Car Club held their first annual endurance race last weekend to raise money for YMCA and Cancer Research UK.
Four teams competed in a three-hour endurance match with drivers travelling from as far afield as Reading and Dunfermline.

Of the four teams, professional team Truspeed made up of Steve Hills and Simon Scott were the favourites. Alongside them, the Dumfries Slot Car Club home team made up of Antony Hawkes and Pete Crane provided strong competition.
The YMCA Youth Work team featured Peter Wright, a driver from the Wirral Club, and home club member Gavin Scott.
Finally, the club welcomed Marcus Corrieri and Neil Grogan from the Dunfermline Club back to Dumfries.

Truspeed took home the win with 1660 laps on the extended track, estimated to be just under 30 miles of racing, with Dumfries not far behind on 1617, YMCA in third place and Dunfermline in fourth.
Unusually for this type of endurance event, it was a shock to see that every single car was still running until the very end of the race.
All teams raised funds for the two nominated causes and a total of over £650 has been raised.

Dumfries Slot Car Club founder and event organiser Antony Hawkes said: “Congratulations on the win to Truspeed, many thanks to all the visitors who raced and to everyone for their generous contributions that helped us exceed our £500 target.
“Dumfries Slot Car Club will be holding two open days at its premises in the YMCA Centre, Lochside Road, Dumfries, on October 14 and October 15.
“Doors will be open between 11 am and closed at 4 pm, with cars and controllers provided for anyone who wants to come along and see what it’s all about.
“Anyone under 16 should be accompanied by an adult.”