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Small grant scheme opens

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By Fiona Reid
Small grant scheme opens

A NEW £35,000 community benefit small grant scheme has launched this week in Dumfries and Galloway.

Alpha Solway, which manufactures personal protective equipment for industry and healthcare, donated the money to support small grassroots organisations.

And applications are now invited for projects based in the region that improve the physical or emotional wellbeing of those aged 16 and under, or 60 and over; and/or reduce food poverty within the same ages.

The Community Benefit Small Grant Scheme is a partnership between Alpha Solway, Dumfries and Galloway Council, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, and Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway.

Third sector organisations, constituted community groups, amateur sports clubs, and not for profit social enterprises, can all apply.

The maximum grant is £5000, and applicants must demonstrate how the funding will help those benefitting to ‘bounce back’ from the Covid-19 pandemic.

The full guidance and application form are available at

Applications should be submitted no later than 12pm on Monday April 25.


14th Mar

Nathan is by royal appointment

By Newsdesk | DNG24