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Spitfire move gets support from 105-year-old war vet

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By Fiona Reid
Spitfire move gets support from 105-year-old war vet

THE man widely thought to be the ‘last of the Few’, Group Captain John Hemingway DFC, AE, has lent his support for Moffat’s Spitfire tribute.

Now 105 and living in a care home in Dumfries, Gp Capt Hemingway is backing the unique tribute to Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, the architect of the Battle of Britain in WWII.

It will see the Spitfire PT 462 moved from Dr Hamish MacLeod’s home to a new location outside Dowding House, once St Ninian’s Preparatory School and the great man’s childhood home.

Gp Capt Heminway, of No 85 Squadron, said: “Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding’s dedication to his aircrew and his skills as a leader were crucial to the RAF’s victory in the Battle of Britain. He cared deeply for our welfare and worked tirelessly to improve our chances of survival.

“While he led the way on technical issues such as through his belief in, and support for, radio direction finding (early radar), he delegated authority readily and seldom interfered with subordinates he trusted.

“I believe the freedom Dowding gave to his commanders and the high morale he inspired in his pilots played a huge part in our victory in the Battle of Britain. This tribute is well deserved.”

A planning application for the Spitfire is being submitted to Dumfries and Galloway Council and, if it’s approved, the hope is it will

be completed in late spring or early summer next year.

Dumfries and West, News

09th Mar

Lights, camera, action?

By Fiona Reid | DNG24