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Status quo for school hols

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Status quo for school hols

SCHOOL holidays will stay more or less the same in the next three years, despite a large scale consultation on possible changes.

Earlier this year the region’s Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers (LNCT) asked parents, staff and members of the public for their views on the structure of the academic year. And some parents reported being told by their headteachers that there were even proposals to shorten the summer break. However, following engagement sessions in January and February and a public questionnaire, which received 978 responses, it has been decided to keep the status quo of a six or seven week long summer holiday, as well as two weeks off at Easter, Christmas and in October. Terms will be of equal lengths and inset days will be built against bank holidays, where possible.

Presenting the feedback to councillors in Dumfries on Tuesday, education managers Gillian Brydson and John Thin said: “The responses were wide and varied with a number of different opinions expressed. Whilst it was difficult to identify a particular trend or theme, there was a general consensus that the current shape and pattern met most needs.

“The LNCT therefore present the following proposals which follow a broadly similar pattern to recent years.”


28th Feb

90 dairy jobs proposed

By Fiona Reid | DNG24