But over the weekend owner Juanita Wilson, pictured, was incensed when she was approached by someone who had travelled hundreds of miles seeking accommodation. She said: “A very inconsiderate lady turned up in our car park, having driven up from London and was looking for somewhere to stay. Rural areas seem to be attracting people who think the rules do not apply to them – do not travel to such areas to walk your dog, go camping, go walking (risking contaminating surfaces such as gates which farmers must then use) etc.
“We not only have our staff to consider, but we are also ensuring the animals are cared for by the minimum number of people possible. “Whilst the lady was soon told to leave our car park, unnecessary acts such as this are unbelievably selfish.”
Meanwhile, the charity is fighting to keep all 95 animals well fed and cared for. They rely on two members of staff and a small team of volunteers, but have scaled back and implemented social distancing. Mossburn has also had to cancel their annual craft and produce fair — meaning a loss of around £1000.
Juanita said: “This money is usually put towards the remaining hay and straw bills at this time of year. The wet weather has greatly impacted our grazing and we anticipate having to feed hay for even longer this year — we are currently using about £30 of hay each day, not to mention the hard feed.” They are also impacted in other ways, which will reduce the money coming in to the charity and the positive impact they make.
Anyone wishing to donate to the cause can send money via Paypal mossburnanimalcentre2@hotmail.com Around £1000 has been donated so far, as well as donations of feed.