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Still time for the flu jab

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Still time for the flu jab

A QUARTER of older people in the region still have not had their flu jab this winter.

And health chiefs are reminding over 65s of the importance of vaccination.
They released statistics showing that in Dumfries and Galloway 76 per cent of over 65s have had the jab along with 49 per cent of those with an underlying condition.
Dr Nigel Calvert is the local flu immunisation co-ordinator and said: “It’s very important that people aged 65 and over, those with health conditions, pregnant women, and unpaid carers get vaccinated to reduce the risk of catching flu and suffering serious complications. Viruses will continue to circulate until the spring, so it is not too late to get the vaccination.”
He added: “There is an increasing awareness that flu is much worse than the common cold. It is an illness that can strike suddenly and cause serious health issues for those at risk, as evidenced by the rise in recent hospital admissions.
“It is crucial that those who are eligible protect themselves as soon as possible, to safeguard their own health and also prevent the spread of the virus. The vaccine will offer protection for around a year.”

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