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Stop the scam mail-man – man in call for change

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben

A PENSIONER in Lochmaben who is bombarded daily with scam letters is calling for more efforts to be made to stop scammers.

The man in his 80s, who does not wish to be named, receives between two and five letters, six days a week from scammers from as far as the Netherlands and Hong Kong.
He said: “I do not know where they got my address but I suspect that age is a factor and they are preying on older people.
“I am not looking for advice, I know these are scam letters and I would never give them the time of day but it is a worry to think that other people might fall for it.”
The pensioner has received scam letters claiming to be from sears and psychics, notices claiming he has won up to £50,000 and even ‘bizarre’ books titled ‘Five Amazing Stories – About Money and Sex – That Will Change Your Life.’
All the letters follow a similar theme and ask the recipient to send a cheque sometimes for £40 or bigger sums and others to take out monthly subscriptions.
The pensioner, who has been receiving scam mail for over a year, added: “I would love to know how they know so much about me: I get sent letters specific to my star sign and they seem to know my full date of birth.
“Some of the letters can be quite cunning and make it look like you signed up for them or that you owe them money.”
He has approached his local MP and been in contact with Action Fraud in an attempt to find out why he is being targeted and to get the letters to stop.
He said: “Neither were able to help really. What I really would love to see is some sort of law come out against these scammers.
“I know it is difficult since they appear to be from countries outside of the UK, but surely the letters can be policed better.”


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