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Storytelling at Lochmaben Castle woodland

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By Abbey Morton
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Storytelling at Lochmaben Castle woodland

EERIE twilight, the crack of a twig and the rustle of creatures ...the perfect setting for a night of spooky stories.

Next month Castle Loch woods will be the venue for an evening of legends and lore by Dumfries-based paranormal investigators and tour guides Mostly Ghostly Investigations.
Team member Kathleen Cronie explained that the group are thrilled to be returning to the woodlands on August Bank Holiday weekend, particularly following the overwhelming success of their opening night at Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival.
The walk will be set amid the twilight woods surrounding the castle ruins, and ‘Legends and Lore’ is described as a storytelling adventure entwined with dark deeds, nefarious characters and curious local encounters.
Guests will discover tales linked to the local area with others focused on the turbulent past of Lochmaben Castle.
Adding extra spice to the tours is a variety of spooky accounts.
Team member John Hill said: “One lady was overcome by a persistant feeling of dread with another reporting a dark shape
or energy rushing past her.
“Another woman, easy-going by nature, felt on-edge for the full duration of the tour; she said it was out of character.
“The sound of drums has been heard and one gentleman felt an intense jolt causing his head to snap round to see what was there — nothing.”
Commenting on the strange happenings, John said: “We recognise the potent mix of ‘vivid storytelling’ and atmospheric locations will raise anticipation and perhaps make our guests a little more susceptible.
“That said, we also recognise we are spending time at allegedly haunting locations sharing personal, and often tragic, stories of those who have lived and died—this in itself could act as a trigger.”


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