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Strong support for parking petition

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By Fiona Reid
Strong support for parking petition

A PETITION opposing the introduction of parking charges in Moffat has garnered over 500 signatures.

It was created by long-time Moffat resident Roy Anderton-Tyers, as a ‘pre-emptive strike’ to Dumfries and Galloway Council’s ongoing consultation on parking across the region.

Parking has become an area of growing concern for many within the town due to the nature of the economic, transport and parking issues within Moffat, and Roy said: “The prospect of the possibility of parking charges in Dumfries and Galloway, and Moffat in particular, has evoked a significant response with over 500 signatures collected so far both in person and online in the last 15 days, with more being registered daily.

“So far, 370 have expressed their concern online at, and a paper petition hosted by Grieves Newsagents has collected 170 more.

“I will be asking Annandale North Councillor Thompson to convey the strength of feeling in Moffat and beyond to any change to the rules and regulations that would institute any system of charges for parking in Moffat.”


26th Feb

Which tax rise will councillors pick?

By Fiona Reid | DNG24