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Super fundraiser ready to hand over reins

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Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Super fundraiser ready to hand over reins

A LOCKERBIE man who has raised tens of thousands for Meningitis Research Foundation is on the hunt for a volunteer to take over the reins.

Neill McLachlan, alongside his wife Wilma, raised over £10,000 in over 20 years for the charity.

The couple lost their daughter Mhairi to meningitis in 1999 and have been avid fundraisers for years.

They started Lockerbie Stanes, held plant sales across the area, sold pendants and many more fundraisers over they years.

But now Neill is looking for someone to take the baton.

He said: “I’m getting on now and it’s a young person’s, game especially with looking after plants. Hopefully someone can come and take over as fundraising raises awareness of meningitis. It’s very important.

“Ideally, it would be great to get pupils from Lockerbie Academy involved and raise as much as possible for the charity.”

To volunteer call Neill on 01576 203087.

Dumfries and West, Front

12th Mar

Firefighters highlight hoarding dangers

By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter | DNG24