DUMFRIES and Galloway residents are being urged to seek sustainable heating systems after their energy bills continue to rise.
After the energy price cap increases, people should expect an average increase of £111 a year on their bills.
Now, Changeworks is offering a Green Energy Helpline to provide advice to households on how low-carbon, sustainable solutions can be implemented. Dumfries and Galloway residents have already begun utilizing these services, with hot topics such as heat pumps and electric vehicles coming from most callers. Smart meters and solar panels, though, have been the most popular sustainable solutions people are turning to according to Changeworks.
“Scotland’s homes account for 13% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, so everything we do in our homes to alleviate that is a big step in the right direction. Installing sustainable measures that leave us less reliant on a volatile energy market is key to lower our household energy bills. Whether it’s switching to technologies such as solar panels, heat pumps and smart meters, any action households take to go green makes a difference,” said Liam Kidd, Green Energy Helpline’s service manager.
Liam also adds that this service helps residents not be left behind in the transition to net zero, while simultaneously assisting in reducing the fuel poverty crisis. The helpline can be accessed by phone at 0800 008 7766, or on the Changeworks website.