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Take a book and pass it on

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By Fiona Reid
Take a book and pass it on

AN UNLOVED children’s play kitchen has been transformed into a free swap library.

The cute creation was lovingly upcylced by Moffat couple Bryony Ladd and her fiancé Mark Smith, who added a roof to the unused Ikea toy.

Called the ‘Wee Book Swap’, the idea is for book lovers to pick up a book, leaving an- other in its place.

The couple have set up their self check- out library in front of their home – Old Well Cottage, at the top of Old Well Road.

Discussing her inspiration, Bryony said: “My great grandfather in Australia used to have a lemon tree and he would put the extra lemons he didn’t need out on his postbox for people to help themselves.

“The neighbours all loved that he did that and now he is in a care home they noticed the lemons weren’t there and asked after him.

“I was thinking of doing something similar when I saw a post on Pinterest for the ‘free little library scheme’ in America. If you look on Pinterest you will see that people make them out of anything and all different colours.

“I showed the picture to my fiancé Mark and he loved the idea too, so we set about making one. Luckily the boys had an old Ikea play kitchen that was past its best, so Mark made that into the library with a roof and post.”

And already the mini library is getting noticed.

Bryony said: “We have had quite a few swaps already and people have been very positive about the idea. Neighbours have stopped us on the street and talked about it.

“The kids love being able to pick a new book out of it too and enjoy looking to see if new ones are there.”

She added: “I think it is very important to encourage reading for all ages and doing something for our community to bring people together is always a good thing.

“I hope we will inspire others to do the same, the more the merrier.”


24th Feb

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By Kaitlin Campbell | DNG24