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Take my breath away…

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Take my breath away...

THE 80s are set to land in Lockerbie tomorrow with a drive-through cinema showing of the decade’s iconic film Top Gun.

The 15 rated film, starring Tom Cruise, will be shown on a big screen in the car park of Harrison and Hetherington Farmers’ Market with an 8 pm start.

Snacks will be available and all proceeds from the night will go towards the Lockerbie Christmas Lights fund.

Maverick and Goose fans Alan Agnew, Kevin Black and Paul Rae, pictured, donned US airforce uniforms this week to promote the drive through. Do they take your breath away?

top gun


19th Feb

Dip in standards lets in form Cove take control

By Fiona Reid | DNG24