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The grumpy list

By Fiona Reid
On The Web
The grumpy list

WHAT do the stars of The X Factor, the neighbour’s cat, EastEnders and unexpected callers have in common?

They are all among the top 50 things which make Scotland’s dads grumpy, according to a new survey.
Heating on too high, slammed doors, drum and bass music and being treated like a taxi service also featured on the chart of cantankerousness.
Almost 20 per cent of dads admit they are always cranky, while another 73 per cent reckon they are becoming more so as they get older.
And it is not the privilege of old men – as dads are at their most grumpy at the age of 40.
The poll found the number one grumble is people leaving the lights on, followed by bad traffic, bad manners and bad drivers.
Also in the top ten is the cost and planning involved in a family day trip and the kids not helping with the chores.
Meanwhile, the biggest general reasons for grumpiness are work, money, household chores and jobs.
If you want to improve your dad’s mood then try a family day out, a nice gesture, a cold beer or lager, or let him have a good night’s sleep.


* Research commissioned by Merlin Annual Pass