As a teenager Danielle Brown, now 29, was always conscious about her weight and when she was put on steroids in her early 20s her weight soared and she reached a size 22.
She said: “I became very insecure within myself.
“My weight was affecting my day to day life, my health and my self confidence.”
But it wasn’t until a day at a theme park took a turn for the worst that Danielle decided something had to change.
She said: “As the attendant struggled to get the harness closed I felt so upset.
“I knew that enough was enough and I needed to finally be honest with myself and take control of my weight.
“Although I tried to lose weight myself I knew I needed support.”
Danielle decided to join Slimming World and hasn’t looked back since.
She said: “I was dubious when she told me I would never feel hungry but I trusted the plan and made changes.”
In her first week Danielle shed an impressive 5.5lbs and has gone on to lose a whopping seven-and-a-half stone and life has never been better.
She said: “I no longer need to rely on my inhalers for my asthma. I feel confident in trying new things as my weight no longer holds me back. I started swimming and received my silver body magic award in group. Best of all, I am happy.”
And her weight loss has also taken Danielle on a career path as she is now a fully trained Slimming World consultant.
She is re-launching a Dalbeattie group which will meet for the first time at the Parish Church Hall, on October 12.