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This is going to have a ‘catastrophic effect’

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By Euan Maxwell
Dumfries and West
This is going to have a ‘catastrophic effect’

SHOP owners on a Dumfries street fear they will have to close for good after a four-week emergency road closure notice was served up due to an unsafe building.

Ongoing building work at the top of Friars Vennel – currently occupied by Cancer Research UK – revealed that parts of the building were in a dangerous state.

As a result, Dumfries and Galloway Council this week approved the closure of a section of Friars Vennel.

Access from the High Street end is now shut, with pedestrian access only available from Irish Street.

And traders say they are concerned the closure and misleading signage could have a “catastrophic effect” on businesses.

Carolann Cameron, of Treasure Chest, said: “I’ve got a new shop on the Vennel due to open at the end of September and have two other shops on the street. This is going to have a catastrophic effect on all business owners.

“It’s not just the top of the Vennel that will be impacted, it will impact the bottom end too.

“The signage put up doesn’t make sense and doesn’t say the shops are still open. This is a serious situation as we rely on footfall. It’s devastating.

“People will blame the council but I think the lack of communication and maintenance by property owners is where the problem is.

“There were obvious signs that the building had problems. A building of this magnitude didn’t develop this problem within a few weeks. Someone has to take responsibility.

“This is like English Street all over again and could’ve been avoided.”

The closure is anticipated to be in place for approximately four weeks until work is completed, with pedestrian access available via Irish Street to any businesses closed off to Castle Street by the works.

A Dumfries and Galloway Council spokesman said that the work required was the responsibility of the property owners.

The spokesman said: “The safety of members of the public is the council’s paramount concern.

“Minimising disruption to local businesses, residents and motorists comes next.

“Any road closures or re-openings are subject to Broatch Construction’s timescales for the work and our officers are working closely with the contractor to ensure we take the appropriate measures at the right time.”

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