SUPPORT is being offered to staff and students on a Dumfries university campus who suffer with a painful health condition.
The University of the West of Scotland (UWS) has pledged its support to those affected by endometriosis.
And it has joined Endometriosis UK’s Endometriosis Friendly Employer scheme as part of its widespread commitment to improving women’s health.
Vice principal Fiona Morton said: “We look forward to working with Endometriosis UK in what is an incredibly important scheme for those who suffer with their menstrual health, and to equip and empower colleagues to be supportive and understanding. Signing up furthers our commitment as an institution to improving women’s health overall, which is a real priority area for us.”
In addition, the University is also pioneering ground-breaking research into wider women’s health issues, including focusing on understanding the impact of the menstrual cycle on sports participation Endometriosis impacts the physical and mental health of one in ten women from puberty to menopause, with symptoms including chronic pelvic pain and painful periods.