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Views sought on windfarm plans

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By Fiona Reid
Views sought on windfarm plans

RESIDENTS from the Moffat area are being invited to view plans for a new Wind Energy Hub.

More details about the proposed 31-turbine Rivox development will be on display in both Moffat and Beattock this week.

And the company behind the scheme, Belltown Power, are keen to get feedback. Their representatives will be at the public exhibitions to answer questions and gather views.

The event will include detailed information about the project including visualisations from several viewpoints.

Peter Thomas, from Belltown Power, said: “This is our first consultation event and we are keen to hear what local residents think of our plans for the Rivox development. We are trying to reach out to as many residents as we can to get their views.

“We have posted out an invitation and feedback form to over 2500 households around the development site.”

Belltown Power were selected by Land and Forestry Scotland as the preferred bidder for Rivox in 2019. The site is currently a productive forest, used to grow trees for harvesting as timber and this land use will continue alongside the proposed windfarm.

Mr Thomas added: “We are fully committed to a full community benefit package that includes £5K per MW installed per year for the 40-year lifetime of the project. We’ve also developed a ground-breaking community ownership package that enables local communities to take an ownership stake so that they’re really invested in the project and so it brings tangible benefits to the heart of the community.”

An online virtual exhibition will run on the website,, from June 1-24 showing all the exhibition materials.

The public exhibitions will be held on Tuesday, June 7, in Beattock Village Hall and the following day in Moffat Town Hall, 11 am to 7 pm at both.


14th Mar

Stark cyber crime warning

By Fiona Reid | DNG24