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Villagers up in arms over new house plan

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By Fiona Reid
Villagers up in arms over new house plan

A PROPOSAL for a new house in Beattock has met with strong village opposition.

John Maxwell is applying for planning permission for a site opposite Willow Cottage on the Old Craigielands Road.

It lies to the the east of a row of six houses that front on to the U367a road and is currently an area of woodland/scrub.

He believes his new home would ‘harmonise with the current aesthetic and ecological guidelines’ of the area and would not set a precedent for further development.

However, some locals do not agree and Dumfries and Galloway Council has received eight objections from nearby residents.

Following extensive consultation with villagers, Kirkpatrick Juxta Community Council has also objected to the proposal due to “the scale and nature of local discontent.”

They said: “The area is a natural wetland/woodland site with wildlife – squirrels, newts, toads to name a few and as an old village / hamlet steeped in history – a new build would upset the long-standing rurality and character of the area.

“The proposed site is located at Old Craigielands (known locally as the Back Village). It is currently a contained field that has, so far, seen no development and has natural assets such as woodland and wildlife.”

“The Back Village is made up of well-established dwellings that date back many years. Some are over 200 years old. New development has been limited and assists with retaining the character of the area. This should not be compromised.”

Further worries include existing water pressure issues, road access and safety.

The application will go before the planning committee next week for a decision but council planning officer Carla Livingstone is recommending it is refused.

In a report for the meeting, she said: “The introduction of a dwellinghouse onto this site would be visually prominent and is not considered to be in-keeping with the surrounding area.”

Dumfries and West, Front, News

31st Jan

Rural communities need help to rebuild

By Fiona Reid | DNG24