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Warning given on teacher job cuts

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By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter
Warning given on teacher job cuts

TEACHER numbers will likely be cut as a natural consequence of the transformation of the schools estate in Dumfries and Galloway.

With school rolls falling drastically and the closure of some rural schools, an inability to meet budget savings targets because of teacher number commitments has now been identified as a risk by education chiefs.

And last week, education director Gillian Brydson said: “Operationally it’s challenging for us to bring about a balanced budget when we’re employing many more staff than we potentially need.”

Officials say that the occupancy of schools should be at least 60 percent of capacity, however a report produced last year showed that 47 of 98 primary schools and seven of 16 high schools fall below this figure.

At last week’s education committee, teacher representative Julie Irving argued that teacher numbers were already insufficient.

She said: “Everyone is working flat-out. My concern is that we, as staff, are stretched very thinly. So, we have a rather large school estate, which is serving rural communities.

“If we’re talking about budgets and we’re talking about learning support, the council has to make the difficult decisions.

“We’re looking at schools merging, not closing. Merging – because then we can put the staff where we need them with the children who need the staff in front of them.”

Gillian Brydson said: “These are difficult decisions and you make a point that is well made.

“We have a falling roll, and so the risk is that we’re employing staff that we don’t need. It is a risk on this council’s finances.

“Operationally it’s challenging for us to bring about a balanced budget when we’re employing many more staff than we potentially need.

“But I guarantee to this committee that we use those staff wisely.”

She added: “We all want to bring about improvements to our schools and for our young people, but if we do the same as we’ve always done we’ll get what we’ve always got.”


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