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Was jazz festival missed in Lockerbie?

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By Fiona Reid
Was jazz festival missed in Lockerbie?

SEPTEMBER in Lockerbie passed by with no Jazz Festival for the first time in overadecade - but did anyone miss it?

Earlier this year it was announced the annual jazz do’s 12th offering had been axed, owing to funding issues.

Dumfries and Galloway Council pledged £6000 but the sum wasn’t enough to pull off the usual September extravaganza.

Rather than have the town fall silent, local music fan James Turpie hosted the September Takeover, bringing five bands to the town hall last weekend.

Meanwhile hotel owner Stephen Montgomery, of the Townhead, said he didn’t noticeadrop in visitors, at both his hotel and restaurant, where it was business as usual.

And Glen Wright at the Dryfesdale Hotel says last year they were fully booked . . . but they were also at full capacity this year, despite the lack of festival, saying the cancellation has had ‘no effect’ on business.

Did you miss this year’s Lockerbie Jazz Festival and would you like to see it brought back in 2018? Email [email protected]

Dumfries and West, Front, News

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