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Westminster candidates line-up complete

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By DnG24 Newsdesk
Annan and Eskdale
Westminster candidates line-up complete

THE FINAL line-up has been confirmed for the two south-west Scotland Westminster constituencies in the June 8 UK General Election.

There will be a four-way fight in Dumfriesshire Clydesdale and Tweeddale (DCT) and a five-way contest in Dumfries and Galloway (DG).

The names were published after the nominations deadline on Thursday afternoon by the Retu Dumfries and Galloway Council chief executive Gavin Stevenson, after the nominations deadline on Thursday afternoon.

Contesting the Dumfriesshire Clydesdale and Tweeddale seat will be Douglas Beattie, Labour Party; John Ferry, Liberal Democrats; Mairi McAllan, SNP and David Mundell, Conservative.

In the neighbouring Dumfries and Galloway constituency the line-up will be Richard Arkless, SNP; Dr Daniel Goodare, Labour; Yen Hongmei Jin; Alister Jack, Conservative and Dr Joan Mitchell, Liberal Democrats.



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