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Wet weather impacts regional farming

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By Newsdesk

ALTHOUGH the South West has suffered from the cold and wet summer, NFUS officials say it has come off better than many other areas.

At present Scotland’s harvest is running up to two weeks later than normal because of heavy rain and the cool summer.
Poor returns and higher input costs are also hitting already hard-pressed farmers.
Ian Sands, NFU Scotland’s combinable crops chairman, said: “Many regions are running two weeks later with their harvest than this time last year, with yields expected to be lower than normal.
“The adverse weather we have seen in recent months, coupled with the poor returns and high input costs, really threaten the viability of the cereal sector in Scotland.”
Andrew McCornick, the vice chairman of Dumfries and Galloway Regional Board, says that although the region was not as big a cereal cropping area as some parts of Scotland, the weather has made things difficult.
He said: “The weather has affected this area although we are in a better position than some areas such as the Highlands and North of Scotland.
“Many are cutting silage in this area just now but the quantities will be down. I’m at my second cut just now and some are on their third.”
But he added: “I was talking to one farmer in the Langholm area who is on his first cut. What we need is a good spell of dry weather.
“We need three or four days dry weather together but we just haven’t had this.”
NFU Scotland is currently carrying out its annual arable survey. To participate, go to”

Dumfries and West, News

09th Mar

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