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What are your #GlobalGoals?

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By Abbey Morton
On The Web
What are your #GlobalGoals?

MICHAEL Jackson once sang 'if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change'.

So, what matters to you?
Quality education? No poverty? Life below water? Zero hunger?
Today, 193 world leaders at the UN’s annual General Assembly will commit to 17 Global Goals to achieve three things which will change the world in the next 15 years — end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change.
The new goals build on the progress of the Millennium Development Goals set in 2000 — which have helped to halve poverty and improve living standards around the world over the past 15 years.
Across the globe people are sharing the goal they’re most passionate about with the hashtag #GlobalGoals
Here in the DNG office we’ve picked our own Global Goals and given reasons why.


Abbey Morton selected number eight — decent work and economic growth.
She said: “On the horizon is the chance to lift the world’s economy.
“For this to happen, and for it to benefit generations, promotion and support must be given at every level.
“To help lift people out of poverty, promote self worth and set examples, work and training should be encouraged and available to all, regardless of gender, age or ability.
“And while in work these people, in every country across the globe, should be safe and secure.”


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Fiona Reid selected number four — quality education.
She said: “I think that education is a stepping stone to many other things in life. It can open doors, raise aspirations and improve quality of life.
“I don’t think education should be a postcode lottery and I’d like to see children all over our country and the world have the same education opportunities.”

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Lisa Barbour selected number three – good health and well-being.
She said: “I think it’s important that all people, regardless of where they live, are given access to the best healthcare available.
“All countries need to have the same opportunities to reduce the risk of national and global health risks and support the research and development of vaccines and medicines.”


20th Feb

Friday night is final night

By Staff Reporter | DNG24