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Which tax rise will councillors pick?

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By Fiona Reid
Which tax rise will councillors pick?

IT’S budget setting day at Dumfries and Galloway Council tomorrow and councillors are poised to press ahead with big rises in Council Tax.

The parties have all prepared their plans and proposals, including outlining where they think costs can be cut.

All they have to do now is agree.

The SNP are proposing an increase of nine per cent on bills for 2025-6, while Labour’s suggestion is for 8.5 per cent.

Meanwhile, the ruling Tory administration want to see a 9.2 per cent hike.

Officials say that each one per cent increase generates around £850k per annum for the council.

Ways of reducing the current £11.7 million funding gap will also be up for debate, but the political parties are split on where the axe should fall.

However, they will take into account public feedback gathered during a wide-ranging consultation process last year.

The Tories have put forward a long list of options. Among them are the cessation of the local authority’s enhanced staff immunisation programme costing £25k a year; to enforce existing Council Policy on the removal of Unauthorised Additional Residual Waste

Bins, saving over £200k annually; and saving £72k a year by rationalising school crossing patrols.

They also recommend changes to window and office cleaning schedules, food caddy operations, more use of solar, a reduction in management costs and an increase in leisure charges, licensing and registration fees and waste uplift prices.

The meeting will be live on the council’s You Tube channel from 10.30 am.

Dumfries and West, Front

23rd Feb

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