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Will you be dead in five years time? A new quiz lets you know

By Fiona Reid
On The Web
Will you be dead in five years time? A new quiz lets you know

DORIS Day once sang ‘Que Sera, Sera Whatever Will Be, Will Be’- but that was before scientists invented a ‘risk calculator' to calculate your risk of dying in the next five years.

Scientist Andrea Ganna and Erik Ingelsson have carried out research and developed a programme that will calculate your risk of dying in the next five years.

Some answers increase your risk, while others decrease it.

The quiz will only provide accurate estimations for men and women aged 40 to 70 years living in the UK.

Since I’m only 20, I answered the questions as my 53-year-old mum as I like to think I know her rather well.

The quiz asks your age and gender and how many children you have to start things off.

It goes on to enquire if you’re a smoker, how you would rate your general health and if you have any long term illnesses or disabilities.

Walking pace and car ownership also come under fire.

Just 13 questions for men and 11 for women will produce a percentage risk factor for death within five years.

Science explained, by Ubble.

In general, risk calculators can never predict the future for any specific individual in a deterministic sense, and should be interpreted on a population level.

For example, if the risk of dying within five years is two per cent, this means that out of 100 people of the same age, sex and risk profile, 98 will survive and two will die over the next five years.

The result is in no way intended to be an accurate prediction of the relevant risk related to a specific person.

To give the test a go visit

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