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Windfarm makes first community grants

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Windfarm makes first community grants

TUNDERGARTH Parish Hall and Lockerbie Bowling Club are two of the recipients in the first round of grants from the Crossdykes Windfarm.

The hall is getting £2963 to renovate an unused room into a social space with pool, darts, computer games and co-working space.

And there is £10,000 for the bowls club to refurbish their toilets

In total, Crossdykes Community Benefits Ltd (CCBL) is awarding over £300,000 to 13 community groups across East Dumfriesshire, predominantly in the mid Annandale and Eskdale areas.

Other recipients include the Xcel Youth Centre in Langholm and the Buccleuch Centre in Langholm, who are getting £18,847 and £3154 respectively.

There are also grants to support the running costs of Annandale Community Transport Services, Langholm Playcare, D&G HandyVan and Muckle Toon Media Ltd, who are the biggest recipients of £90,000.

The fund is linked to the Crossdykes Windfarm near Tundergarth, with grants decisions made by CCBL, which is a charitable company by volunteer directors drawn from the local communities.

Chairman Nicholas Jennings said: “It gives me great pleasure to be able to make these awards to local organisations. They play vital roles within our communities through their different contributions to the wellbeing and happiness of people of all ages.

“We look forward to making awards twice yearly for many years to come. We will help sustain and expand the work of existing community organisations as well as support the development of new and innovative projects to address the changing needs of our rural communities.”

Janet Saunders, manager of Annandale Community Transport Services (ACTS), expressed delight at their award saying: “The transport services for groups and individuals will include minibus hire, community car door-to-door transport, hospital transport, Travel Club day trips, two registered bus routes and driver training. The funding will contribute to vehicle and office running costs, volunteer driver training and expenses, and staff salaries who administer the service from the office in Lockerbie.

“This support is vital to the continued operation of this valued local service.”

And Lara Porter, from the Eskdalemuir Old School Hub and Café, said their £90,000 grant will support core running costs such as wages, water, electricity, fuel to ensure the hub keeps going over the next three years.

She added: “The Hub, like everyone, has seen massive increases in electricity, food, fuel and other bought in goods.

“The Hub is the heart of the community and offers a safe, neutral place for the community and visitors to meet. The funding will enable Upper Eskdale Development Group to embed the good work they have been doing. Our café is becoming very popular and we are hoping to develop the Hub has a venue for weddings, conferences, events and weekend courses.”

A further round of funding will take place later in the year. The next deadline for applications is April 30. More information at


28th Feb

Mids manager role excites Simpson

By Fiona Reid | DNG24

Mids manager role excites Simpson
NEW TEAM . . . Mid Annandale’s new management team are pictured with chairman Craig Allen, centre. They are manager Craig Simpson, right, and assistant Paul McDermott

“MIDS were advertising the role, so I got in touch with the club, had a discussion with them and we took it from there,” said new Mid Annandale manager Craig Simpson as he spoke to the Annandale Herald this week.

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